Discrete Hymenoplasty

Hymenoplasty in Hamburg

Hymenoplasty, also known as hymenorrhaphy, is used to restore female sexual integrity. Religious, cultural or traditional aspects can also be a reason to consider the reconstruction of the hymen. Read everything you need to know about hymenorrhaphy on this page.

Hymenoplasty at our practice in Hamburg

Receive a discreet consultation

Contact our practice for plastic and aesthetic surgery in Hamburg, Germany, to arrange a confidential initial consultation for a hymenoplasty.

+49 4031171253 Mon – Fri: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Trust and discretion

Specialist with qualification in sexual medicine

Detailed and individual consultation

Effective and careful methods

Thorsten Sattler - jameda.de

Hymenoplasty at our practice in Hamburg

Receive a discreet consultation

Contact our practice for plastic and aesthetic surgery in Hamburg, Germany, to arrange a confidential initial consultation for a hymenoplasty. +49 4031171253 Mon – Fri: 10 a.m – 5 p.m.

Hymenoplasty that meets the highest standards

✔ Trust and discretion

✔ Specialist with qualification in sexual medicine

✔ Detailed and individual consultation

✔ Effective and careful methods

✔  100 % satisfaction of patients on Jameda

Das Bild zeigt den Facharzt für Plastische und Ästhetische Chirurgie Dr. Thorsten Sattler.

Dr. Thorsten Sattler’s practice for plastic and aesthetic surgery is the top address for hymenorrhaphy in Hamburg. His many years of experience in the field of aesthetic intimate surgery of the female genitalia distinguish him as a qualified surgeon. He is not only a specialist in plastic and aesthetic surgery but has also successfully completed the additional qualification in “sexual medicine”. Dr. Sattler is probably the only plastic surgeon in Germany with this important additional qualification.

Hymenoplasty that meets the highest standards

Dr. Thorsten Sattler’s practice for plastic and aesthetic surgery is the top address for hymenorrhaphy in Hamburg. His many years of experience in the field of aesthetic intimate surgery of the female genitalia distinguish him as a qualified surgeon. He is not only a specialist in plastic and aesthetic surgery but has also successfully completed the additional qualification in “sexual medicine”. Dr. Sattler is probably the only plastic surgeon in Germany with this important additional qualification.

1. What is hymenoplasty?

The term hymenoplasty or hymenorrhaphy describes a procedure in which the hymen is reconstructed. The hymen is a thin membrane that is located just behind the opening of the vagina and surrounds it from the inside.

Sexual intercourse, masturbation, sport or accidents, but also sexual assault, can cause the hymen to tear and bleed. This leaves ring-shaped remnants of the hymen. These remnants can be reattached by means of a minor surgical procedure, thus physically restoring virginity.

Eine Zeichnung einer Vagina mit gerissenem Jungfernhäutchen vor der Hymenrekonstruktion.
Illustration of a vagina with a torn hymen before hymenorrhaphy.
Eine Zeichnung einer Vagina mit wiederhergestelltem Jungfernhäutchen nach der Hymenrekonstruktion.
Illustration of a vagina with a reconstructed hymen after hymenorrhaphy.

2. Positive changes due to hymenoplasty

Restoring the hymen can bring many positive changes, both physically and emotionally. As our society becomes increasingly diverse and embraces different cultures and traditions, this procedure is becoming more widely known and accepted.

The reasons for a hymenoplasty are varied and as different as each woman herself. Some women choose to have the procedure after ill-considered, unwanted or forced sexual experiences. Others do so for romantic or cultural reasons. In some cultures, the issue of “purity” also plays an important role. However, a woman’s sexual self-determination and autonomy always have priority and the procedure should always be voluntary.

We always focus on your well-being and comfort. Dr. Sattler will give you the opportunity to discuss your personal reasons for the procedure in a confidential consultation, although you do not necessarily have to do so. The aim of the procedure is to help you feel comfortable and confident in your body again. Your concerns will be taken seriously by Dr. Sattler and your needs will be treated with care.

Another positive effect of the hymenoplasty can be a slightly narrower vaginal introitus (vaginal opening). This can have a positive effect on your sexual experience. In addition to the restoration of the hymen, other procedures such as correction of the labia or clitoral hood can also be performed. This way, we can ensure that your wishes and needs are taken into account in one procedure. Rely on Dr. Sattler’s experience and discretion to achieve your personal goals and feel completely comfortable again.

Receive a discreet consultation

Contact our practice for plastic and aesthetic surgery in Hamburg, Germany, to arrange a confidential initial consultation for a hymenoplasty.

+49 4031171253 Mon – Fri: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.

3. Hymenoplasty in Hamburg – initial consultation

Before we reconstruct your hymen, we will take a detailed medical history and perform a physical examination. According to your wishes and anatomical requirements, Dr. Sattler will create an individual treatment plan based on the latest intimate surgery methods. He will explain the procedure to you in detail, including the risks, alternatives and aftercare. The aim is to define realistic expectations together.

The consultation is carried out in a relaxed atmosphere and, of course, discreetly. If you wish, a female member of the practice staff will attend the consultation, examination and treatment to offer you additional comfort and security. You can rely on our experience and discretion when it comes to restoring your hymen.

4. Hymenorrhaphy procedure

The restoration of the hymen is a sensitive procedure that can contribute to a woman’s physical integrity and well-being. Modern and safe surgical procedures are used, which are individually tailored to your wishes and anatomical requirements. Dr. Sattler will guide you sensitively and professionally through every step of this process.

1. Before the Hymenorrhaphy

Careful preparation is required before the hymenorrhaphy. During a detailed consultation, your wishes and expectations will be discussed and all your questions answered. Dr. Sattler will explain the procedure to you in detail and will give you all information necessary. Important information before the procedure:

  • Inform us of any existing illnesses or allergies
  • Inform us about any medication you are taking
  • If possible, avoid smoking and alcohol for two weeks before and after the procedure

2. Anaesthesia

Hymenorrhaphy is usually performed under local anaesthesia. Only the area where the procedure takes place is made numb. In some cases, additional light general sedation may be administered to make the procedure as comfortable as possible for you. General anaesthesia is not usually not necessary. Dr. Sattler will discuss the most suitable type of anaesthesia for you in advance and take all necessary measures to ensure your safety.

3. Restoration of the hymen

The actual procedure to restore the hymen takes about 60 minutes. The remaining remnants of the original hymen are carefully dissected and sutured to create a new hymen. This is done with fine, self-dissolving sutures that do not need to be removed after healing. Such modern surgical methods and materials help to ensure that the result is very natural and inconspicuous.


5. Follow-up treatment after your hymenorrhaphy

Aftercare following hymenorrhaphy is crucial for the healing process. Immediately after the procedure, you will remain in our practice for approximately one hour for monitoring before you can go home.

It is important to observe certain rules of behaviour after a hymen reconstruction. The healing process usually takes about two to four weeks, during which you should pay particular attention to hygiene and protection of the surgical site. Dr Sattler and his team will be by your side during this time to ensure that you feel well looked after and that your questions are answered. It is crucial that you follow all instructions carefully to achieve the best result possible.

Important information regarding aftercare:

  • No physical exertion
  • No sexual intercourse
  • No use of tampons
  • No baths, sea, swimming or whirlpools
  • Wear loose, comfortable clothing
  • Keep the area clean and dry
  • Attend regular check-ups

Receive a discreet consultation

Contact our practice for plastic and aesthetic surgery in Hamburg, Germany, to arrange a confidential initial consultation for a hymenoplasty.

+49 4031171253 Mon – Fri: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.

FAQ about hymenoplasty

The procedure can be performed on an outpatient basis and under local anaesthesia in Dr Sattler’s private practice. The procedure itself takes about one hour, the stay in the practice on the day of the operation lasts about two hours in total. However, the examination and information session must take place at least one day before the operation and lasts approximately one hour.

It is possible that slight bleeding might occur during the first sexual contact after the hymen has been reconstructed. Same accounts for the original hymen when it is deflorated in virgins. However, the amount of bleeding depends on various factors, such as individual healing and the nature of the newly formed tissue. There are also cases without any bleeding which is considered to be normal as well. Dr Sattler will provide you with comprehensive advice to ensure that you are well informed and prepared.

Theoretically, the procedure can be performed safely at any time during the menstrual cycle. Some women may find the procedure uncomfortable during their menstrual cycle, as the genital area is more sensitive to touch. Some patients also feel embarrassed to have an examination or treatment during their period. From a purely medical point of view, however, any time in the menstrual cycle is suitable for the procedure. Preferably, you should not have a heavy period on the day of the operation. However, tampons must not be used for a while after the procedure, as they could damage the reconstructed hymen.

The procedure is a low-risk operation and is performed on an outpatient basis so that you can go home on the same day of the procedure. The procedure itself usually takes about 60 minutes. A general anaesthetic is usually not necessary, which shortens the recovery time and allows you to resume your regular everyday life more quickly.

After the hymenorrhaphy, you will know that the hymen has healed successfully if no complications are detected at the follow-up appointments. This shows that the hymen is intact again. Regular follow-up appointments also help to confirm success and clarify any questions. Dr. Sattler visually inspects the reconstructed hymen to monitor the progress of healing.

The hymenoplasty might have a positive influence on your future sexual experiences, as the procedure can lead to a slightly narrower vaginal opening. Many women report about an improved sexual sensation and increased self-confidence after recovery. However, it is important to follow the recommended rest periods after the operation and only resume sexual activity after complete healing in order to achieve the best possible result.

Visible scars are very rare after a hymenorrhaphy. The procedure is performed with fine, self-dissolving sutures that generally leave no visible marks. Dr Sattler takes care to place the stitches as inconspicuously as possible to ensure a natural, safe and long-lasting result.

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